The drive toward net zero –and the impact of employee devices
With 92% of organizations aiming to achieve their net zero targets by 2040, and growing pressure from governments, regulators, and customers, many business leaders will need to accelerate their emission reduction plans. This often means prioritizing projects that will significantly reduce the organization’s footprint, offering high value to offset the required investment.
When leaders set out to create these high-impact sustainability strategies, there are several common initial targets, including data centers, vehicle fleets, and office spaces. For many businesses, one or more of these will represent a large proportion of their carbon footprint, and each has the potential to dramatically reduce emissions.
However, there’s one major contributor that is often overlooked and that relies less on large upfront investments and more on small changes and decisions that combine to create a huge impact: end-user devices and how employees use them.
This guide explores how organizations can better understand and mitigate the impact of employee devices and behavior on theiroverall emissions – and why addressing their digital carbon footprintis so valuable.