Digital security is receiving increased attention
Telco’s critical role in the security ecosystem was highlighted. Future open networks demands a security approach that is as agile and innovative as the technology it safeguards. Industry players showcased advanced encryption and SASE as solutions against rising threats.
As networks become more open and the world becomes even more interconnected in an unpredictable political landscape, security is a high priority for the industry. At MWC there were 6 dedicated cybersecurity events, including a 3-hour security summit. In addition, security was very visible at the MWC show floor.
Closer cooperation on security, resilience and emergency preparedness in the Nordics could lead to the development of more common solutions within a Nordic-allied framework. Leveraging critical expertise and capacity across industries can also open opportunities for innovation and value creation in industrial cybersecurity.
Both operators and vendors showcased their dedicated security products. Deutsche Telekom’s “Magenta Security on net” is soon to be ready and Palo Alto Networks launched a set of private 5G security services in collaboration with a handful of private 5G partners.